Created 3,005 Days Ago
Any other ideas for possible rewards?
Posted 3,004 Days Ago
Achievement for sth like claiming 100 rewards? Also a cosmetic would be nice... maybe sth connected to the time? 
Posted 3,002 Days Ago
Maybe add a return to previous skill button on the hourly bonus page?
Posted 3,002 Days Ago
Will probably add an achievement or two Bid.

Not really possible Avi.
Posted 3,002 Days Ago
Think I might look into moving it into the chat window somehow. Help encourage people to leave their chat open and look at it every so often at least.
Posted 3,001 Days Ago
dont think thats a good idea as this game doesnt require much of your concentration
Posted 2,251 Days Ago
Hi Ryan, is it possible to add a multiplier to the hourly bonus if done back to back, otherwise it resets?  x1.1 or x1.5 as examples, maxing at a certain value // can't go higher than x5.0 or x2.0. Another option is just setting a max multiplier for the day and resetting at 12:00 am each day.

Scenario: if( onclick=hourly.bonus, check.time(),, if(click>0,+1,check.multiplier('clicks' * 'multiplier'),)
// or something similiar

Maybe different multipliers depending on 'Subscriber' or not.

I can see where some will think this as a means for free xp / gold - but can add a factor of someone coming back to play because they remembered about the the hourly claim multiplier - which results in more visits, and possibly more players (which I am sure is a good thing).

I'd work something up in code, but I'm just an amateur programmer. Good at analyzing data though.. (which is my job).
I'd love to help with the site if needed being a longtime (14 almost 15 years now.. goodness I just realized that...) RS fanatic more or less.

Posted 2,159 Days Ago
I definitely think a stackable bonus for the hourly claims would be neat! :D